Advanced plotting examples#

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Vaex uses matplotlib for creating plots, which allows for great flexibility. To avoid repetative “boilerplate” code, Vaex tries to cover many use-cases where you want to plot one or more panels using a simple declarative style.

The following examples will make use of the example dataset, which is a the results of a numerical simulation of how a galaxy like our own Milky Way was formed (source). The data contains the 3D position, velocity, angular momentum, energy and iron content for each start particle in the simulation.

Let us start by loading the data:

import vaex
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import warnings
df = vaex.example()
# id x y z vx vy vz E L Lz FeH
0 0 1.23187 -0.396929-0.598058 301.155 174.059 27.4275 -149431 407.389 333.956-1.00539
1 23 -0.163701 3.65422 -0.254906 -195 170.472 142.53 -124248 890.241 684.668-1.70867
2 32 -2.12026 3.32605 1.70784 -48.6342 171.647 -2.07944-138501 372.241-202.176-1.83361
3 8 4.71559 4.58525 2.25154 -232.421 -294.851 62.8586 -60037 1297.63 -324.688-1.47869
4 16 7.21719 11.9947 -1.06456 -1.68917 181.329 -11.3336 -83206.81332.8 1328.95 -1.85705
5 16 -7.78437 5.98977 -0.682695 86.7009 -238.778 -2.31309 -86497.61353.25 1339.42 -1.91944
6 12 8.08373 -3.27348 5.54687 -57.4544 120.117 5.37438-101867 1100.8 782.915-1.93517
7 26 -3.55719 5.41363 0.0917156 -67.0511 -145.933 39.6374 -127682 921.008 882.101-1.79423
8 25 3.9848 5.40691 2.57724 -38.7449 -152.407 -92.9073 -113632 493.316-397.824-1.18076
9 8-20.8139 -3.29468 13.4866 99.4067 28.6749-115.079 -55825.31088.46 -269.324-1.28892

A single plot#

The simplest case is a single heatmap created by two axes, specified by the first two arguments:

df.viz.heatmap('x', 'y', title='Face on galaxy', limits='99%')

Multiple plots of the same type#

The first argument can be a list of axes pairs. This produces multiple plots:

df.viz.heatmap([["x", "y"], ["x", "z"]], title="Face on and edge on", figsize=(10, 4), limits='99%');

Multiple plots, same axes, different statistics#

If the what argument is a list, it will by default create multiple subplots:

df.viz.heatmap("x", "y", what=["count(*)", "mean(vx)", "correlation(vy,vz)"],
               title="Different statistics",
               figsize=(10, 5), limits='99%');

Multiple plots, different axes, different statistics#

One can specify multiple axes pairs as tje first argument, as well as a list of what arguments. The resulting figure with have a number of subplots where the different axes combinations will form the rows, and the different what statistics will form the columns:

df.viz.heatmap([["x", "y"], ["x", "z"], ["y", "z"]],
               what=["count(*)", "mean(vx)", "correlation(vx,vy)", "correlation(vx,vz)"],
               title="Different statistics and plots",

One can also specify the layout of the figure via the visual argument, which can be used to swap the row and column ordering of the subplots:

df.viz.heatmap([["x", "y"], ["x", "z"], ["y", "z"]],
               what=["count(*)", "mean(vx)", "correlation(vx,vy)", "correlation(vx,vz)"],
               visual=dict(row="what", column="subspace"),
               title="Different statistics and plots",

Slices in a 3rd dimension#

If a 3rd axis (z) is given, you can “slice” through the data, displaying the z slices as rows. Note that here the rows are wrapped, which can be changed with the wrap_columns argument:

df.viz.heatmap("Lz", "E", z="FeH:-3,-1,8",
               figsize=(12, 8),

Many plots with wrapping#

If one attempt to create a figure with many subplots, they will be nice wrapped. Where we create heatmaps of all combinations of columns in the example dataset, sorted by their mutual information:

# Get all column pars
pairs = df.combinations(exclude=['id'])
# Calculate the mutual information for each pair, sorted by the largest value
mi, pairs_sorted = df.mutual_information(pairs, sort=True)

# Create the figure
df.viz.heatmap(pairs_sorted, f='log', colorbar=False, figsize=(14, 20), limits='99%', wrap_columns=5);

Plotting selections#

If the selection argument is used, than only the selection is plotted:

df.viz.heatmap("x", "y", selection="sqrt(x**2+y**2) < 5", limits=[-10, 10]);

If a list of selections is specified (False or None indicates no selection), than every selection by default forms a different “layer” of the figure produced:

df.viz.heatmap("x", "y",
               selection=[None, "sqrt(x**2+y**2) < 5", "(sqrt(x**2+y**2) < 7) & (x < 0)"],
               limits=[-10, 10]);

Overplotting a vector field on a heatmap#

Astronomers argue that galaxies such as our own Milky Way were formed from many pre-galactic clumps that have merged and mixed together. One way to try and find the original pre-galactic fragments is to inspect the 2-dimensinoal distribution of their energy (𝐸) and angular momentum (𝐿𝑧). So let us make such a plot:

df.viz.heatmap('Lz', 'E', f='log', figsize=(9, 6));

Now, to show that the stars in each clump on the figure above are indeed moving coherently in space, we can overplot their velocity vectors on a positional heatmap.

First, let’s select the stars that belong to one the clusters:

# specify ranges of angular momentum (Lz) and energy (E)
limits_Lz_E_clump = (1181.770, 1291.92), (-70850.91, -68491.16)

# Use the rectangle selection method
df.select_rectangle("Lz", "E", limits_Lz_E_clump, name="stream")

# Check how many stars we have selected
print(f'Selection contains {df.count(selection="stream")} "stars".')
Selection contains 9556 "stars".

We can also overplot the selected region, to convince ourselves that we have chosen a good region:

df.viz.heatmap("Lz", "E", selection=[None, "stream"], f="log", figsize=(9, 6));

Now let us plot the 𝑣𝑦 and 𝑣𝑧 velocity vectors on top of 𝑦−𝑧 plot. To start, lets compute a grid of mean 𝑣𝑦 and 𝑣𝑧 velocities. Notice that we are limiting the range of the 𝑣𝑦 and 𝑣𝑧 values to go between -20 and 20, and the grid resolution is 32x32 bins:

limits = [-20, 20]
shape_vector = 32
mean_vy = df.mean("vy", binby=["y", "z"], limits=limits, shape=shape_vector, selection='stream')
mean_vz = df.mean("vz", binby=["y", "z"], limits=limits, shape=shape_vector, selection='stream')

Next, let us create a meshgrid to hold the centres of the bins:

# create a 2d array with holds the center of the bins
centers = np.linspace(*limits, shape_vector, endpoint=False) + (limits[1] - limits[0])/2./shape_vector
z, y = np.meshgrid(centers, centers)

To keep the plot “clean”, we also do not want visualize the velocity of the bins with low number counts:

# we don't want to show bins with low number of counts
counts = df.count(binby=["y", "z"], limits=limits, shape=shape_vector, selection='stream')
mask = counts.flatten( ) > 10

Finally we can plot a background density map of \(v_y\) vs \(v_z\), and then use plt.quiver to overplot the velocity vectors:

df.viz.heatmap("y", "z", limits=limits, f="log1p", figsize=(10, 9), selection=[None, "stream"], shape=128)

# overplot the mean velocity vectors

We indeed see that the stars we selected move together, and form a stream!

Plotting a healpix map#

Healpix is made available via the healpy package. Vaex does not need special support for healpix, but some helper functions are introduced to make working with healpix easier.

Make sure you have healpy installed. If you do not, you can install it with one of these commands:

!pip install healpy  # if you prefer pip
!conda install -c conda-forge healpy if you are using a conda package manager

To understand this better, we will start from the beginning. If we want to make a density sky plot, we would like to pass to healpy a 1d numpy array where each value represents the density at a location of the sphere, where the location is determined by the array size (the healpix level) and the offset (the location).

This example uses a simulated Gaia dataset. The Gaia data includes the healpix index encoded in the source_id column. By diving source_id by 34359738368 you get a healpix index level 12, and diving it further will take you to lower levels.

Let us start by fetching the dataset (Note: the dataset is ~700MB on disk).

import healpy as hp
df = vaex.datasets.tgas(full=True)
# astrometric_delta_q astrometric_excess_noise astrometric_excess_noise_sig astrometric_n_bad_obs_ac astrometric_n_bad_obs_al astrometric_n_good_obs_ac astrometric_n_good_obs_al astrometric_n_obs_ac astrometric_n_obs_al astrometric_primary_flag astrometric_priors_used astrometric_relegation_factor astrometric_weight_ac astrometric_weight_al b dec dec_error dec_parallax_corr dec_pmdec_corr dec_pmra_corr duplicated_source ecl_lat ecl_lon hip l matched_observations parallax parallax_error parallax_pmdec_corr parallax_pmra_corr phot_g_mean_flux phot_g_mean_flux_error phot_g_mean_mag phot_g_n_obsphot_variable_flag pmdec pmdec_error pmra pmra_error pmra_pmdec_corr ra ra_dec_corr ra_error ra_parallax_corr ra_pmdec_corr ra_pmra_corr random_index ref_epoch scan_direction_mean_k1 scan_direction_mean_k2 scan_direction_mean_k3 scan_direction_mean_k4 scan_direction_strength_k1 scan_direction_strength_k2 scan_direction_strength_k3 scan_direction_strength_k4 solution_id source_idtycho2_id
0 1.91906 0.717101 412.606 1 0 78 79 79 79 84 3 2.9361 1.26696e-05 1.81816-48.71440.235392 0.218802 -0.407338 0.0606588 -0.0994513 70 -16.1211 42.6418 13989176.74 9 6.35295 0.30791 -0.101957 -0.00157679 1.03123e+07 10577.4 7.99138 77b'NOT_AVAILABLE' -7.64199 0.0874018 43.7523 0.0705422 0.21467745.0343 -0.414972 0.305989 0.179966 -0.0857597 0.159207 243619 2015 -113.76 21.3929 -41.6784 26.2018 0.382348 0.538266 0.392379 0.9163061635378410781933568 7627862074752b''
1 nan 0.253463 47.3163 2 0 55 57 57 57 84 5 2.65231 3.16002e-05 12.8616 -48.645 0.200068 1.19779 0.837626 -0.975644 0.972577 70 -16.193 42.7612-2147483648176.916 8 3.90033 0.323488 -0.853779 0.839739 949565 1140.17 10.581 62b'NOT_AVAILABLE' -55.1092 2.52293 10.0363 4.61141 -0.99639945.165 -0.995923 2.58388 -0.860911 0.97348 -0.972417 487238 2015 -156.433 22.7661 -36.2397 22.8906 0.711003 0.96597 0.646115 0.86716 1635378410781933568 9277129363072b'55-28-1'
2 nan 0.398901 221.185 4 1 57 60 61 61 84 5 3.9934 2.56339e-05 5.76753-48.66780.248825 0.180326 -0.391891 -0.193256 0.0894205 70 -16.1234 42.6975-2147483648176.78 7 3.15531 0.273484 -0.118552 -0.0418587 817838 1827.38 10.7431 60b'NOT_AVAILABLE' -1.60287 1.03526 2.93228 1.90864 -0.91427145.0862 -0.177443 0.213836 0.307722 -0.184817 0.0468668 1948952 2015 -117.008 19.7722 -43.1082 26.7157 0.482528 0.428758 0.524153 0.903062163537841078193356813297218905216b'55-1191-1'
3 nan 0.422492 179.982 1 0 51 52 52 52 84 5 4.21516 2.86726e-05 5.36086-48.68240.248211 0.200958 -0.337217 -0.223501 0.131811 70 -16.1182 42.6778-2147483648176.76 7 2.29237 0.280972 -0.109202 -0.0494409 602053 905.877 11.0757 61b'NOT_AVAILABLE' -18.4149 1.12985 3.66198 2.06505 -0.92617745.0665 -0.365707 0.276039 0.202878 -0.0589288 -0.0509089 102321 2015 -132.421 22.5693 -38.9545 25.8786 0.494655 0.638456 0.509074 0.898918163537841078193356813469017597184b'55-624-1'
4 nan 0.3175 119.748 2 3 85 84 87 87 84 5 3.23564 2.22788e-05 8.08078-48.572 0.335044 0.17013 -0.438708 -0.279349 0.121792 70 -16.0555 42.7734-2147483648176.739 11 1.58208 0.261539 -0.329196 0.100312 1.38812e+06 2826.43 10.1687 96b'NOT_AVAILABLE' -2.37939 0.710632 0.340802 1.22048 -0.83360445.136 -0.0490526 0.170697 0.471425 -0.156392 -0.152076 409284 2015 -106.86 4.4521 -47.8954 26.7555 0.520654 0.23931 0.653377 0.863385163537841078193356815736760328576b'55-849-1'
5 nan 0.303723 64.6868 2 1 68 69 70 70 84 5 3.10892 2.22511e-05 9.65279-48.55110.359618 0.179848 -0.437142 -0.376402 0.257906 70 -16.0335 42.7861-2147483648176.718 9 8.66308 0.255867 -0.297309 0.0791063 1.66384e+06 1381.58 9.97199 76b'NOT_AVAILABLE' -72.7114 0.720852 -52.8493 1.26429 -0.85278445.1414 -0.264588 0.205008 0.39493 0.102073 -0.36853 204642 2015 -127.824 16.3828 -44.2417 25.1631 0.522809 0.479366 0.621515 0.847412163537841078193356816527034310784b'55-182-1'
6 nan 0.340405 118.911 2 1 76 77 78 78 84 5 3.44745 2.19728e-05 7.91894-48.52420.386343 0.17188 -0.341053 -0.34408 0.1516 70 -16.0114 42.8058-2147483648176.701 9 5.6982 0.263677 -0.367848 0.0846782 1.821e+06 2755.91 9.874 77b'NOT_AVAILABLE' -3.35036 0.707184 24.5272 1.17738 -0.80009845.153 -0.0412512 0.189524 0.488929 -0.163855 -0.195289 540954 2015 -114.478 11.0431 -46.4507 26.2651 0.512088 0.322961 0.637399 0.856398163537841078193356816733192740608b'55-867-1'
7 nan 0.253709 88.6261 3 0 76 79 79 79 84 5 2.65453 2.57372e-05 13.709 -48.55690.380844 0.150943 -0.139315 -0.358996 0.238914 70 -16.0049 42.7641-2147483648176.665 10 2.09081 0.222206 -0.277202 0.093748 967144 601.802 10.561 87b'NOT_AVAILABLE' -11.6616 0.982994 -1.57293 1.73319 -0.90422345.1128 -0.187136 0.206981 0.412381 0.0994892 -0.284353 1081909 2015 -88.3027 14.7861 -47.9744 27.0228 0.39079 0.333692 0.400387 0.90071 163537841078193356816870631694208b'55-72-1'
8 nan 0.401473 226.044 3 1 69 71 72 72 84 5 4.01755 2.45771e-05 5.41389-48.65110.351099 0.169345 -0.276625 -0.175754 0.101633 70 -16.0034 42.6531-2147483648176.589 9 6.20249 0.247253 -0.139338 0.0669677 1.66582e+06 1233.43 9.9707 79b'NOT_AVAILABLE' 9.19541 1.02832 26.308 2.03485 -0.90549645.0103 -0.321544 0.243576 0.263603 -0.143727 0.107397 589318 2015 -106.23 19.3449 -44.7095 25.5226 0.335982 0.520842 0.35827 0.90504 163537841078193356826834955821312b'55-912-1'
9 nan 0.235866 49.3216 2 0 51 53 53 53 84 5 2.49518 2.42543e-05 15.7304 -48.59120.473472 0.163531 -0.0605532 -0.242013 0.14566 70 -15.8759 42.6549-2147483648176.419 8 1.67767 0.222067 -0.18584 0.0668122 1.96682e+06 1184.17 9.79036 62b'NOT_AVAILABLE' -24.5264 1.1319 9.10421 2.20939 -0.92529 44.9747 -0.407078 0.267911 0.236157 -0.0912424 0.0305957 1178636 2015 -99.9696 19.5819 -46.0718 24.0416 0.217998 0.655547 0.219464 0.892649163537841078193356833260226885120b'48-1139-1'

Let’s plot a healpix figure of level 2. We can start by counting the number of stars in each healpix region:

level = 2
factor = 34359738368 * (4**(12-level))
nmax = hp.nside2npix(2**level)
counts = df.count(binby="source_id/" + str(factor), limits=[0, nmax], shape=nmax)
array([ 4021,  6171,  5318,  7114,  5755, 13420, 12711, 10193,  7782,
       14187, 12578, 22038, 17313, 13064, 17298, 11887,  3859,  3488,
        9036,  5533,  4007,  3899,  4884,  5664, 10741,  7678, 12092,
       10182,  6652,  6793, 10117,  9614,  3727,  5849,  4028,  5505,
        8462, 10059,  6581,  8282,  4757,  5116,  4578,  5452,  6023,
        8340,  6440,  8623,  7308,  6197, 21271, 23176, 12975, 17138,
       26783, 30575, 31931, 29697, 17986, 16987, 19802, 15632, 14273,
       10594,  4807,  4551,  4028,  4357,  4067,  4206,  3505,  4137,
        3311,  3582,  3586,  4218,  4529,  4360,  6767,  7579, 14462,
       24291, 10638, 11250, 29619,  9678, 23322, 18205,  7625,  9891,
        5423,  5808, 14438, 17251,  7833, 15226,  7123,  3708,  6135,
        4110,  3587,  3222,  3074,  3941,  3846,  3402,  3564,  3425,
        4125,  4026,  3689,  4084, 16617, 13577,  6911,  4837, 13553,
       10074,  9534, 20824,  4976,  6707,  5396,  8366, 13494, 19766,
       11012, 16130,  8521,  8245,  6871,  5977,  8789, 10016,  6517,
        8019,  6122,  5465,  5414,  4934,  5788,  6139,  4310,  4144,
       11437, 30731, 13741, 27285, 40227, 16320, 23039, 10812, 14686,
       27690, 15155, 32701, 18780,  5895, 23348,  6081, 17050, 28498,
       35232, 26223, 22341, 15867, 17688,  8580, 24895, 13027, 11223,
        7880,  8386,  6988,  5815,  4717,  9088,  8283, 12059,  9161,
        6952,  4914,  6652,  4666, 12014, 10703, 16518, 10270,  6724,
        4553,  9282,  4981])

Using the healpy package, we can plot this in a molleweide projection

hp.mollview(counts, nest=True);

To avoid tying the above code all over again, we can use the df.healpix_count method instead:

counts = df.healpix_count(healpix_level=6)
hp.mollview(counts, nest=True)

Instead of using healpy, we can use vaex’ df.viz.healpix_plot method:

df.viz.healpix_heatmap(f="log1p", healpix_level=6, figsize=(10,8), healpix_output="ecliptic")